How to effectively manage pain and nausea after surgery

“Surgery is a common medical procedure that can cause pain and nausea during the recovery process. Pain and nausea management is an essential aspect of postoperative care to ensure that patients recover comfortably and successfully. In this blog post, we will discuss some effective strategies to manage pain and nausea after surgery…” …

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The Surgical Counts Procedure – How to do it right

These recommended practices provide guidance to perioperative nurses in performing sponge, sharp, and instrument counts in their practice settings. Counts are performed to account for all items and to lessen the potential for injury to the patient as a result of a retained foreign body. Complete and accurate counting procedures help promote optimal perioperative patient outcomes and demonstrate the perioperative practitioners commitment to patient safety…. …

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Time-outs and their role in improving safety and quality in surgery

By Carlos A. Pellegrini, MD.  A time-out, which The Joint Commission defines as “an immediate pause by the entire surgical team to confirm the correct patient, procedure, and site,” was introduced

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Severe allergic reactions in surgery ’caused by antibiotics’

Antibiotics are the main cause of life-threatening allergic reactions during surgery, a new report suggests. The Royal College of Anaesthetists says more patients are claiming to be allergic to penicillin,

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