Spinal Cord Stimulation – What you need to know!

“Chronic pain develops when the body’s appropriate response to an injury lasts longer than it should. This pain no longer protects the body from injury but becomes harmful on its own. Chronic pain can lead to problems working, eating, exercising, or pursuing other activities of daily life. This can wear a person down leading to other chronic health problems such as depression, and weight gain, as well as issues related to medication overuse to manage the pain….” …

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3D Printing in Spine Surgery – The prediction of surgeons

‘The use of 3D-printed spine devices and implants has grown in recent months, allowing for more customized surgical planning. Many spine surgeons see potential in 3D-printed technology but also foresee challenges that will need to be addressed to ensure its success….; …

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Groundbreaking robotic spinal surgery for chordoma tumour removal

By  Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Noah Pernikoff is back to his life in New York City after becoming the first patient in the world to undergo

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